1. Example Workshop Plan and Associated Materials: Planning Guide
Use this guide to plan your workshop
2. Introductory Video
Available in English, Spanish and Portuguese, the video conveys the importance and excitement of being part of GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper’s citizen science team.
3. Presentations 1-8
- Introduction to GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper– Introduces the problem, the solution, why NASA is interested in mosquito data
Take home message: GO MHM does all 3: surveillance, mitigation, and education. - Mosquito Vectors of Disease– Identifies the taxa that are identified using the app and their roles as disease vectors.
- Satellite data and NASA connections– A sampling of research projects conducted by scientists that employ different classes of remotely sensed environmental data to forecast and backcast mosquito borne disease risk
- Prior Knowledge Quiz– The quiz addresses potential misconceptions about mosquito biology and disease transmission, identifies safety steps that provide protection from mosquito bites when out of doors, and emphasizes why citizen science participation using the GO MHM can support risk reduction in a community.
- Using app for the first time: introduce geolocation, description, and sampling- A brief introduction to the app, to ensure everyone has a functioning app, has the app displaying the correct language.
- Describing your mosquito habitat site using the GO MHM App– Step by step use of the app
- Using a macro lens with a mobile device– This short presentation identifies common problems with macro lenses.
- GO MHM Tutorial, specimen identification– As needed: use to review steps and introduce the steps associated with identification.
4. Handouts for Participants:
These handouts aid participants in understanding what is presented and provides take home materials to encourage deep learning and understanding of workshop topics and procedures.
Know your Mosquitoes: Compare and Contrast GO MHM Taxa
Draft GO MHM Key
Data sheet
Workshop Evaluation Form
5. Educational Resources
Smithsonian Learning Lab Curriculum- Mosquito!
A free, inquiry-based, place-based curriculum, addressing biology, ecology, and social justice.
The GO Mosquito Habitat Mapper is used by students in this curriculum to study their local mosquito habitats. See section 5-2.
Mosquito! Middle/High School Curriculum- English
Mosquito! Middle/High School Curriculum- Spanish
Student Activities and Science Fair Support
GO Mosquito Habitat Mapper Research: Degree-days
GO Mosquito Habitat Mapper Research: GPM
GO Mosquito Habitat Mapper Research: Source Reduction
How to make a Mosquito Larvae Trap
Quick Start Guide to Finding Data/Imagery or Student investigations
Educator Toolkit: Framing Phenomena-Based Student Investigations (2017)
Exploring Environmental Data with NASA Worldview
Science Fair Rubric
Games and Activities
Zika Zapp Bingo: learn about the diversity of unusual habitats used by mom mosquitoes
Mosquito Investigation Notebook Activity (MINA): multi-day inquiry activity for upper elementary students
The Teacher’s Guide (PDF Download)
Information guide on how to use a mosquito science notebook with students. It also provides a list of frequently-asked questions, mosquito myths, and links to videos that students can observe if there are no live mosquitoes available.
Guide to Using Science Notebooks in the Classroom (PDF Download)
Provides support to elementary teachers who have no prior experience with using science notebooks.
Teacher’s Version (PDF Download)
Provides the answer key to the Student Mosquito Investigation Notebook.
Student Mosquito Investigation Notebook (PDF Download)
Provides a guided exploration, where students can collect their observations, ask questions, and compare their results with others.
Mosquito Game – digital game teaching about unique habitats found in urban, rural and home settings
Reference Material
GLOBE Mosquito Identification Sheet: Eggs, larvae, pupae, adults
Mosquito Body Parts
Frequently Asked Questions