Raise Awareness About Your School’s GO Mosquito Activities with Press Releases

Download and use GO Mosquito press releases to raise awareness about your school or community’s work using the GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper smartphone App to locate, identify and share mosquito data.
Send these GO Mosquito press releases to teachers, headmasters, parents or community leaders to help spread the word about how this GLOBE App – along with inexpensive, every-day equipment and enthusiasm – can contribute to tracking down and reducing the incidence of disease-carrying mosquitoes. Click here to download GO Mosquito press releases …
Train Teachers and Your Community With GO Mosquito PowerPoint Slide Sets

Use GO Mosquito PowerPoint slide sets to train students, teachers and community leaders on how to use the GLOBE Mosquito Habitat Mapper App.
These educational PowerPoint resources include everything from big-picture information regarding potentially disease-carrying mosquitoes, to step-by-step directions enabling your GO Mosquito participants to collect and share mosquito data. Your scientific information, uploaded to the Cloud, provides vital statistics that help scientists research disease-carrying mosquitoes around the world. Click here to download GO Mosquito PowerPoint Slide Sets …
Engage Your Students and Help Them Learn With GO Mosquito Classroom Activities

Download educational games and activities to engage students, parents and community members in the GO Mosquito project. These resources include (1) mosquito life-cycle lesson plans (2) research explorations and (3) classroom games and activities.
Games, such as Zika Zapp Bingo, help players of all ages find the use the GLOBE Mosquito Habitat Mapper App to find mosquito larvae in watery habitats.
Using GLOBE’s simple smartphone App, everyone can locate, identify and then upload / share critical scientific information that can help in global efforts to track the incidence of mosquitoes capable of spreading diseases like chikungunya, yellow fever and dengue, as well as the Zika virus. Click here to download GO Mosquito classroom activities and games …