Dr. Rusty Low- Earth System Scientist (climate, past and present) Lead Scientist, GO Mosquito Habitat Mapper I have focused on many different things in my research. However, there has been... read more →
Renée Codsi - Biologist and Professor of Biology and Ecosystems and Societies. Deputy Field Director, GO Mosquito Habitat Mapper I gamify data collection and youth action for conservation and public health... read more →
Dr. Assaf Anyamba Research Scientist at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center/Universities Space Research Association "Engaging the public in scientific research is beneficial to society as a whole on various levels,... read more →
Dr. Becky Boger has been with GLOBE for 20 years! Read about the history that led to development of the GO Mosquito Habitat Mapper! Rebecca Boger, Associate Professor at Brooklyn... read more →
Dr. Sara Paull Post-Doctoral Fellow at the National Center for Atmospheric Research "The mosquito data collected by citizen scientists through GLOBE Observer will be very useful for helping me to... read more →
Radina Soebiyanto, Collaborating Scientist/Engineer, NASA Goddard: I’m an engineer by training but what I do heavily involves scientific research. I use different satellite-based and modeled climate data to understand how... read more →
Professor Ines Mauad Lead Citizen Scientist With the App on their cell phones, students are able to identify the two mosquitoes we have here - Culex and Aedes aegypti. They also can go... read more →